Monthly Archives: May 2013



The Knocks
The Knocks (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

ADHDcast EPISODE IV – Shades of the Past

Heyyyy, cats and kittens! Time for more zany antics with D. the Deejay and his horde of interlopers! Prepare to be dazzled with the dulcet tones of Brandi Shade as she regales us with the sordid details of her lifetime spent as a nomadic authoress. Also joining us are aspiring rapper Mark Stantz and previous guest, Galaxy Interactive CEO John Waynick.

This episode, our civil discourse includes more reminiscing of times gone by, as well as authorship, “Donks vs. Dinks”, who owes whom a tablet and/or car, the merits of Michael Bay ruining our collective childhoods (again), beer and more beer, how one comes to be known as “sh**head”, the art of Alien, trying to finish a graphic novel one page at a time, microphones, and draining the lizard. Can’t lie to you, folks; it gets pretty rowdy.

Before I provide today’s links to ADHDcast The Fourth, lemme roll the credits:

  • Most of the *free* music utilized in this podcast can be found on, including but not limited to Mindphaser and Adhesion (mostly as background music), and Scott Taylor’s “Sexy Lexy” once again. Also, the music of Voyager, which can be found on
  • The mind-blowing intro/outro music was graciously provided by The Knocks (pictured above); those songs are “R.O.Y.L.” and “Magic“, respectively. Go give them money NOW
  • Jordan Martyr’s “My Mirror” is available at his Bandcamp. Name your own price, anything from $0 to $bajillion! No waiting!
  • For those of you who have been waiting, YES, now is the episode in which I finally have a half-decent microphone! The quality will become readily apparent the moment I start speaking. I’m as relieved as you are 
  • Any questions/suggestions/comments can be submitted to diadae at mail dotkom (that’s an email address I’m spelling out phoenetically to avoid spammbotz), or posted in comments on this blog post. Even if you have audio questions or comments, go right ahead; I can splice them in. This includes questions for any guests, which I’ll bring up next time they’re on the show (if ever… though it’s likely they will be).
  • This podcast is slightly NSFW due to language and crude humor – and it’s not even totally my fault!
  • This podcast clocks in at 3 hours in length. I split it right down the middle into two chapters for convenience, but there will also be a link to an mp3 of the whole darn thing. And yes, next time I’m going to try very, very hard to keep it shorter than this.
  • This podcast is released under Creative Commons.

That stuff out of the way, below you will find links to HRGigerCast in three handy formats:

ADHDcast Episode Four zip files: (mp3) (m4a) (ogg) …and (one long mp3)

Quick note: still accepting bumps from invididuals and/or companies plugging their own podcast/business/band/one-man-play! Anything to the effect of: “Hi, this is Jim Bob of Jim Bob’s Dry Goods and Wedding Planners, LLC, and you’re listening to ADHDcast! Yay!”  Low-quality, high-quality, with or without background music, all of these are irrelevant; just do it and I’ll use it!  If the file is too large for an email we’ll figure out a way to get it done!

Anyhow, thanks for tuning in and I hope you have as much fun listening as I did recording it! Hopefully you’ll be more sober than I was and can remember it better when it’s over! Au revoir!



ADHDcast EPISODE III – The Ferret Galaxy

Remember how last time I said I was thinking about having a friend on the show for an interview? Well, it kind of expanded into something much larger.

Today’s release features myself, along with co-hosts Garrett Williams (of Ferret Williams fame) and John Waynick (of Galaxy Interactive), both of whom are friends and former bandmates. It stars with me at least attempting to interview people before it quickly falls apart into talking about whatever, though it by no means becomes less entertaining in the process.  We were later joined by Joseph Marin and Joe Wilhems, members of John’s game design team and also cool guys. Yes, they are both named Joe.

This episode, The_Boys discuss “ye good ole days”, cartooning (or is that “cartoonisting”? “cartoonistism”?), game design and its many quandaries, eating the neighbors, writing books and short stories, cosplay, secretive projects being created secretly, what on earth a podcast is supposed to actually be, fish tacos, and Angelina Jolie‘s preemptive mastectomy.

Before I provide the links to ADHDcast Numero Trés, we roll the credits:

  • Most of the music utilized in this podcast can be found on, including but not limited to “Black Bit” by Krang! (which was used as the signature tune), Mindphaser (mostly as background music), and Scott Taylor’s “Sexy Lexy” (because, y’know… John is Mr. Luthor).
  • Jordan Martyr’s “Push Come To Shove” is, yet again, available at his Bandcamp. Name your own price, anything from $0 to $bajillion!
  • Any questions/suggestions/comments can be submitted to diadae at mail dotkom (that’s an email address I’m spelling out phoenetically to avoid spammbotz), or posted in comments on this blog post. Even if you have audio questions or comments, go right ahead; I can splice them in. This includes questions for any guests, which I’ll bring up next time they’re on the show (if ever… though it’s likely they will be).
  • The quality is crap. I tried to configure my recoridng equipment (this means my laptop and headset) so my voice would come in clear, but my mic so quiet I’m almost inaudible. I PROMISE YOU, this will not be the case next time, and I did as much work as possible to fix this episode before it went out, but it’s still not fantastic. Also, I have ordered a better mic. Please bear with me!
  • This podcast is slightly NSFW due to language (and some crude humor).  Come on, it’s five guys talking.  What did you expect?
  • This podcast clocks in at 2 hours and 45 minutes. I split it into three chapters for convenience, but there will also be a link to an mp3 of the whole darn thing.
  • This podcast is released under Creative Commons.

That stuff out of the way, below you will find links to ADHDcast-O-Rama in three handy formats:

ADHDcast Episode Three zip files: (mp3) (m4a) (ogg) …and (one long mp3)

Quick note: if anybody wants to record a little “bump” plugging their own podcast/business/band/one-man-circus, please let me know! Anything to the effect of: “Hi, this is Jim Bob of Jim Bob’s Dry Goods and Wedding Planners, LLC, and you’re listening to ADHDcast! Yay!”  Low-quality, high-quality, with or without background music, all of these are irrelevant; just do it and I’ll use it!  If the file is too large for an email we’ll figure out a way to get it done!

Well, I hope you enjoy the oddness! Next time, I hope to have my co-authoress “Shade” on board, and possibly a few past guests will return. It’s gonna be a kick in a glass!



  ADHDcast EPISODE II – Cast Hard With A Vengeance

Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ohai guyze.  Thing is, this new Episode 1.5 is actually both of the original episodes #1 and #2 stuck together, re-cut so they run slightly shorter/smoother and with a new intro. I’m editing the original blog entry so that any newcomers to ADHDcast will get the episodes in their new order: first, Episode Zero, then #1.5, and then #3 and onward.

Come on, we all knew #1 and #2 sucked.  This is for your own good.  Here are the original blog posts, preserved in their ineptitude for posterity…


So in line with the whole “distractions from my book” theme I’ve been entertaining of late, I now have perpetrated a podcast upon the humans. I call it…

ADHDcast, Episode I: The Random Menace

Yeah, the title is a little pretentious, but it also totally works.  Or maybe it’s just that I am totally working it?  Dunno.  Anyway, I was just going to call it “dCast” because I’ve been referring to Diadae Files as “dBlog” elsewhere, but when I was writing down all the random ideas I had for it I said, “Hah, more like ADHD-cast.”  The rest is history.

…and don’t think I don’t realize this podcast was a near failure. Most of you will be less kind and say “psh, near?”, but hey – I tried something, there were lots of mistakes, and I know certain parts aren’t really up to snuff. Next time will be better; I’m looking at cranking more music (and less babbling), interviews, monkeys with swords, all kinds of junk! It’s a work in progress. Anybody who wants to help me out by sending me money for better equipment is welcome to do so!

Thanks in advance for listening! Hopefully even if you weren’t extremely entertained, you at least were distracted from something else even more tedious than my podcast. Later!

(#2) So I gave it another shot. I was going to wait until I could get some more people to join me, but figured hey, I have enough material for a podcast that I’ll just fire one off and save interviews for next time. Mistake or not, the deed is done, and out there for the world to hear.

This episode, along with more music than last time, I wind up talking about beer, 3D printers, Superman and Ninja Turtles, YouTube videos of super epicness, Hunger Games book 3: Mockingjay (spoiler alert!), Mike Jeffries of Abercrombie & Fitch infamy (and how he’s a royal douche), passive racism in comics and blatant racism on the internets, and the definition of the faux-word “gapping”.

Thanks again, and we’ll be back real soon to come close to entertaining you – and perhaps with interviews next time! Won’t that be intriguing? WELL, WON’T IT?! ANSWER ME!


Before I provide the links to download my podcast, we roll the credits:

  • Many music selections in this can be downloaded for the low, low price of freeeeee from Kahvi Collective. These include Aairial,  id Submerged, and Acrilic Color. Also, the song “I’m Afraid Of You” by The Harmonians featuring Irving Kaufman, which can be found at
  • The awesome “Great Barrier Reef” used with permission from the glorious Dinka, whose sultry songs can be purchased from Amazon and from iTunes. And other places, probably. (yes, I realize I misspoke when I said she was Swedish… and when I said she doesn’t have full-length albums out.) Jordan Martyr’s songs “Immaculate And Impotent”, “Push Come To Shove” and “A Light Of Any Name” are available at his Bandcamp. Name your own price, anything from $0 to $bajillion!
  • Handy links to crap I mentioned: Cinemassacrezohar002’s Chrono Trigger renditionSmooth McGroove’s acapella Bloody Tears; on Twitter, GreyDeLisleJohn Barrowman (and team), Jamistarmewilw, and dinkasound.
  • Any questions/suggestions/comments can be submitted to diadae at mail dotkom (that’s an email address I’m spelling out phoenetically to avoid spammbotz), or posted in comments on this blog post. Even if you have audio questions or comments, go right ahead; I can splice them in. Or, as I mentioned in the podcast, quiz me about Goonies and/or Back To The Future!
  • This podcast is slightly NSFW due to language (but not very much).
  • This podcast clocks in at around 1 hour and 40 minutes in length (that’s a combined length for both episodes).
  • ADHDcast is released under Creative Commons.

That stuff out of the way, below you will find links to ADHDpalooza’s freshman and sophomore effort in three handy formats:

ADHDcast Episode One-Point-Five Zip Files: (mp3) (m4a) (ogg) … and (one long mp3)

Ahem. Take care now, bye bye then.



ADHDcast #001: Episode Zeer-OH!

 You are about to enter a dimension of space and time. Too much free time. Prepare to step out of the realm of sanity and into…

Episode I: Episode Zeer-OH!

I’m D. the Deejay, and that’s not all! Call now and I will also be Steve, or Rusty, or anybody else you want! Operators are standing by!  Here at ADHDcast, our motto is, “Could you repeat that? You must have been kidding the first time.”

Infrequently Asked Questions (as in, never):

Who is D. the Deejay? Beyond this podcast, I also write books and occasionally try to draw. Defintely better at the former versus the latter. My day job (which no, I will not be quitting) is pretty standard office work, and I almost never bring it up, so don’t worry.  I spend a lot of time watching movies and TV shows both foreign and domestic, reading books and comics, listening to a rather eclectic selection of music, and once in a while I pick up a video game (though not nearly as often as I’d like to). One time, I made it to the semifinal round in a local bar trivia tournament, but for some reason the tournament fizzled before the finals could be held. Uhh, yeah.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

What is this and why are you here? Good question!  I don’t know, either! The most important thing to know about ADHDcast is that there’s nothing to know; it’s me and my friends babbling and embracing our geekiness. Ever have a long conversation about the merits of Robotech versus the original Macross and Macross Plus, or wonder which Star Trek movies you need to see and which one you can skip? (Spoiler: It’s Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Just… don’t bother.) This is what that is, except we recorded it because… well, because INTERNETS.  Occasionally, I adhere to a more formal interview format, but most of the time I just get three or four of us together, list off a couple of topics, and then forget what the topics are completely.

THIS INSTALLMENT, however, is a little different – hence the “Episode Zero” dealio. Here, I explain a little bit about myself and what ADHDcast is, and then inundate you with clips from episodes 1-25, with a little fresh commentary from yours truly. It’s about half the length of my usual podcasts, and my hope is that it will serve as a handy “primer” for what’s to come. That way, those who think they might like it will definitely know for sure, and those who wouldn’t… well, I think it’s ample warning.

If you’re a regular listener and you’re disappointed that it’s just a bunch of old crap, don’t despair! Toward the end, there are a few clips of brand new, never-before-released material! Oh boy, bonus content!

A little credit is in order for this, because no man is an island, so here’s that and a few important points:

  • Not just one, but LOTS of music tracks in this episode provided by id Submerged, Data Rebel, and Sebastien Marchal, which can be downloaded for the low, low price of freeeeee from Kahvi Collective.
  • The songs “King Of Karma” by the straight-edginest Bif Naked, as well as “Improbability of Salvation” by Jordan Martyr, are used with their generous permission.
  • Clips are used from other episodes, featuring guests such as Aedylon Issyrol, Amy Z. Sulam, Brandi Shade, Garrett Williams, John Waynick, Joseph Wilhelms, Mark Stantz, Zacharey Hollingshead, Tom Schalk, Steve Schalk, and the elusive Mr. Scar.
  • Any questions/suggestions/comments can be submitted to diadae at mail dotkom (that’s an email address I’m spelling out phoenetically to avoid spammbotz).  Even if you have audio questions or comments, go right ahead; I can splice them in.  It’ll be fun!
  • This podcast is slightly NSFW due to language and suggestive dialogue.
  • Today’s pseudo-episode clocks in at 1 hour and 5 minutes.
  • ADHDcast is released under Creative Commons.

That stuff out of the way, below you will find links to download the pregame show:

ADHDcast Episode Zeer-OH! (mp3)  (m4a)  (ogg)

YAYAH! Mission: accomplished! Prepare to rock out with my full episodes in the future! Until then, they call me…
