
ADHDcast EPISODE X – Birthday Secks

Break out the streamers (and the strippers), pick up a keg, call your parents and lie that you’re staying over at your most responsible friend’s house! Time to party down with… ADHDcast!

Between “pin the tail on the donkey” and trying to get That One Dude to stop wearing a lampshade, hear D. the Deejay converse with Brandi Shade, Mark Stantz, John Waynick and Garrett Will-yums about all manner of things, including but not limited to birthday sex (duh), selling cars to Nigerian princes, waterproof phones, Super Olive Bros., the gravitational pull of Shade’s mother’s “donk”, Russian Leprechauns, playing basketball in the kitchen, wishing for a sex change, ramen with chocolate chips, John’s date night with Zach, the dangers of masturbating with leprosy, Daft Punk’s new album, lesbians with guns, losing your pants, keeping up with the Kardashians (or not), baked potatoes, penistrees, the one cool moment in D.’s history, strawberry birthday cigars, your horoscope for today (or your birthdate), Brandi trying to pronounce hard words, being the Great Goblin, marking one’s territory, Narnia, Babybel cheese, a flock of Peters, racism in Dunkin Donuts, getting pregnant with a jelly bean, dissecting “Libertarian”, biting in very unfortunate places, Alienware, the soundtracks of the Ninja Turtles movies, breaking into Livejournal and/or Myspace, and the fate of The Shadow. Also, Mark takes the helm for the first (and only?) time, as well as Story Hour With Shade!

Before crawling into the bathtub for a few precious hours of sleep, let’s clean up all the credits:

  • Most of the *free* music utilized in this podcast can be found on [Sebastien Marchal, Reii, Luntaire, NC Thompson, and Aleksi Eeben]. Also, “Helix Nebula” by Anamanaguchi, which can be found on
  • Also, the songs “The Feeling” by The Knocks, “Honeybee” by Bif Naked, and “Shining Boy” by Jordan Martyr were used with permission from the artists. Also, I used permissibly-tiny clips of the songs “Birthday Cake” by Cibo Matto and “Get Lucky” by Daft Punk. Go give them money NOW
  • Things mentioned: that weird hat-trick I taught John? Even though you can’t see it on a podcast, I’ll credit Brett Iredell for teaching it to me. The student has become the master. Also, the “public service announcement” at around the 12-minute mark was performed by the inimitable imitator, Tom Schalk.
  • The quality isn’t as bad as it could be, although I did have to remove a 20-minute “dance party” that Brandi initiated.
  • Any questions/suggestions/comments can be submitted to diadae at mail dotkom (that’s an email address I’m spelling out phoenetically to avoid spammbotz), or posted in comments on this blog post. Even if you have audio questions or comments, go right ahead; I can splice them in. This includes questions for any guests, which I’ll bring up next time they’re on the show (if ever… though it’s likely they will be).
  • Don’t forget that you can subscribe to my YouTube channel to catch VIDEO versions of the interviews! (WARNING: the clips are unedited and will likely take longer to watch than the audio-only versions that I condense down into my podcast releases.)
  • This podcast is NSFW for language and crude humor.
  • This episode clocks in at 3 hours and 7 minutes. Yes, I know that’s horrendously long, but it’s my birthday, dangit! I split it roughly in the middle, though.
  • ADHDcast is released under Creative Commons.

Our show is being broadcast in three highly-intoxicated formats:

ADHDcast Episode 10 Zip files: (mp3) (m4a) (ogg) … and (one long mp3)

That’s it! I’m calling a cab, and you’d better not let me drive home!


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